On Friday we come come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency.
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency.
Today we are looking at the people who vote for a President, and the pastors who lead many of them. We are praying that these pastors, specifically white Christian pastors, will publicly and courageously denounce Donald Trump and his moral failure.
Specifically today, we are thinking and praying about the theology of the ballot box: That is, the theology of democracy, the theology of voting, and the theology of politics.
Will you join us as we pray that these pastors step forward and shepherd their congregations? You can read our call to clergy here, and then you can sign the letter yourself and share with clergy, faith leaders, and pastors in your life.
Past Prayers
Praying for Pastors to Stand Up to this President
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today we are looking at the people who vote for a President, and the pastors who lead many of them. We are praying that these pastors,...
Praying for Kindness and a New, Kind President on Nov. 3rd
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today we are praying for kindness, and for a President who will commit themself to treating the American people with kindness and decency....
Praying for November 3rd (And What Actions We’re Taking Along the Way)
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today we are praying for a change on November 3rd, and for an American people who will rise up and partner that prayer with action at the ballot...
Praying for a New President Who Will Walk the Walk
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today we are on day two of Walk the Walk 2020. Walk the Walk is a faith pilgrimage for racial justice, a pilgrimage of reckoning, resolve, and...
Praying that the Swing States Swing Toward a New President
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today we are celebrating the fall, socially-distanced launch of the Faith, Hope, and Love for a Change on Election Day 2020 tour. Our bus will be...
Praying for Love In the Oval Office
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today, we are praying that the Oval Office be filled with the fruit of the Spirit, that is, that the President is filled with love. For 4 years,...
Praying for Presidential Wisdom
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today, we are praying for Presidential wisdom as we continue to combat the coronavirus and enter into the final stretch of this election season....
The President Must Walk the Walk
Today, in honor of Walk the Walk 2020, which Vote Common Good is hosting alongside Faith In Action, Red Letter Christians, Greater Things and Truth & Conciliation, we are specifically praying that Donald Trump would begin to walk the walk, and that if he doesn't,...
Praying For the Presidency at the White House
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. This Friday, we are coming to you live from outside the White House. Every week we have been praying for a change in the occupant of the Oval...
Praying For the Presidency In 2020 Swing States
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. This week's news has continued to culminate in a cacophony of Coronavirus and corruption. The death toll has begun to rise, cases are hitting...
Praying the President this 4th of July this weekend
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. As a nation, we are preparing to celebrate 4th of July this weekend. Because of the state that the world is in right now with COVID-19, this 4th...
Praying the President Changes in Ways Big and Small
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Scripture is clear that character is not defined only by our decisions in the big moments alone, but also by how we handle the little parts of...
Juneteenth is a Crucial Day for Our Country
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today is Juneteenth, a historic day in America, commemorating and celebrating the ending of slavery in the United States. Today has also become a...
Praying the President Leaves His Ways of Deceit
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today we are reminded of Jesus’ teaching “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with...
Praying for Justice, and a President Who Will Finally Carry Justice Out
On Fridays, we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. We join our voices in the chorus of Americans calling for justice for George Floyd; justice for black, brown, Latino/Latina, Asian/Pacific...
Praying for a Change in the President’s Own Words
On Friday we come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today, we continue with our "Pray for the President" series. We will specifically be focusing on our President's recent statements, and how those...
Ephesians 4 for Pray for the President
This week's prayer is rooted in passages from the New Testament book of Ephesians, chapter 4. "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; "Be patient, bearing with one another in love." "Make every effort to...
Praying for a Change in the President, or the Presidency.
On Friday we come come together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today, we continue with our "Pray for the President" series. We will specifically be focusing on Biblical references to love, and in the spirit...
Calling for a Change for the Common Good in the White House
The last three weeks, we have all joined together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today, we continue with our "Pray for the President" series. This week's prayer is written by Robb Ryerse and is based on the...
We need the fruits of the Spirit, not the arrogance of Trump
The last two weeks, we have all joined together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency. Today, we continue with our "Pray for the President" series. We will specifically be focusing on the fruits of the Spirit, and...
Praying for a Change in the President
We believe, as Jesus taught, that everyone is the "Salt of the Earth" and the "Light of the World." We also know that not every "light of the world" should be the President of the United States, and that certainly applies to Donald Trump. It is with sincere desire and...
Praying for the President
Today we are launching our newest Vote Common Good campaign, "Pray for the President." As people of faith, we are committed to praying for our elected officials and, when they do not live up to the calling of the common good, praying for their position to be handed to...