The last three weeks, we have all joined together to pray for a change in the President, and, barring that change; a change in the Presidency.
Today, we continue with our “Pray for the President” series. This week’s prayer is written by Robb Ryerse and is based on the Creation poem in the book of Genesis.
Will you join us as we pray for the President?
Day One
Creative God, you invited light to shine in the unending darkness and you continue to invite light into the darkest corners of the human heart. We ask you to once again invite your light to shine forth in the heart of President Donald Trump, that he may always turn from darkness and seek the truth. Amen.
Day Two
Creative God, you put distance between the waters and the sky. Similarly, we so often feel a distance between us as human beings, caused by myriad forces. We ask that Donald Trump might not further the distance between people but might see that like the waters and the sky still touch at the horizon, so too, we are all connected. Amen.
Day Three
Creative God, you bring order out of chaos. And we recognize that the order that you bring is not stark and sterile but is full of beauty and abundance. We ask you to bring order to the Oval Office and the administration of President Donald Trump that beauty and abundance might overflow to all your creatures. Amen.
Day Four
Creative God, when we look to the skies and contemplate the sun, moon, and stars – the galaxy in its vast array – we feel the smallness of our own lives. How is it that you see us, know us, love us? We ask that Donald Trump might feel his own smallness and in so doing experience your love. Amen.
Day Five
Creative God, you filled the waters with fish and the skies with birds. But we have filled the waters with plastics and the skies with pollution … because we can be so dangerously careless. We ask that President Donald Trump might not be dangerously careless, for his actions – like all of ours – impacts not just all Americans, all humans, but all of the fish and birds too. Amen.
Day Six
Creative God, you breathed your breath of life into everything that lives. Your presence is in all of it and all of us. With each breath we take, may we remember the sacredness of all. And may President Trump always remember that each and every person – including Democrats, media members, and critics – carry within them the divine. Amen.
Day Seven
Creative God, you rested. You paused. You saw and experienced the goodness and peace in quiet. Even in the midst of a pandemic that has forced us to slow down, we still are learning how to do less and find true rest. We ask that President Trump might find moments to be silent, that he might resist the urge to tweet, that he might truly pause in stillness and therein know that you are God. Amen.