Doug Pagitt wrote to supporters of the Greater Things Foundation explaining his current focus on Vote Common Good. “My belief in the Good News of God,” he writes, “leads me to work for the Common Good of all people.” Right now, that means changing Congress on November 6. Here is his explanation:
Greater Things exists to empower the human spirit and foster life-giving community for a more beautiful, inclusive common good in faith and civic life.
At this time, that calling means we give our wholehearted efforts to engage in the November 6 Election imploring people toward a new voting criterion – The Common Good.
In my view, the Trump Administration is even worse, more incompetent and dangerous, than I feared. This Republican-led Congress lacks the moral standing to do its work, and it is up to us to dislodge Congress from their control.
These are extremely serious times. Like many of you, I fear for the future of our country and the safety and well-being of all people in it.
These are extraordinary times, we are not having a typical partisan debate. Regardless where you stand on the partisan issues, we can agree that this Presidency violates our sense of American values and for me, violates the commitments of my faith to protect the “least of these.”
Some of us want as little government as possible; others believe a more robust government is crucial. But no one wants a government hostile to equal justice and liberty for all persons.
Some call for lower taxes; others believe the tax system is not equitable. No one wants tax dollars being used to separate families, imprison children and assault the rule of law.
Many have questions on immigration policy, but we all know the Christian faith and our American spirit cannot support a President saying, “No,” to children who need asylum and, “Get the hell out of here,” to “the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.”
Join us in inviting people to the Common Good.
I’m compelled by my faith to do something and I hope you are as well.
My belief in the Good News of God leads me to work for the Common Good of all people. Greater Things is engaged in this effort because we believe, “Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good.”