Get Out the Small-Town Youth Climate Vote!

Join us for our weekly virtual phone-banking events: Sundays at 7:30-9:00 p.m. EST

North Carolina is a critical swing state in this election. We have isolated geographic areas and demographics of voters in North Carolina that, if contacted, will make a difference in the outcome of this election. We are contacting young people in non-urban areas who may be undecided, unmotivated, or infrequent voters, but have a concern for the environment. We want to engage these voters about an issue that matters to all of us: our future. We think it is critical to change the narrative around the environment, away from partisanship, and toward mobilization for a united common goal. Join us for our weekly virtual phone-banking sessions, Sundays from 7:30-9:00 p.m. EST. Sign up to stay updated.