Frank Schaeffer: Elect People With the Guts To Oppose Trump
“Has anybody else sat in Rich DeVos’s office at Amway and walked away with a quarter-million dollar check? I have,”
“Has anybody else sat in Rich DeVos’s office at Amway and walked away with a quarter-million dollar check? I have,”
You have heard it said that you should keep your faith private and out of politics, and your politics out of your faith, but we are here to be reminded that you should let your light shine before all and not buried under a bushel basket.
“Decide what matters to you, and then what are you going to do about it? How are you going to leverage your gifts, and your time, and your resources, and your vote to make sure that the people who come after us have an America worth inheriting?”
You voted for Trump in 2016. You held your nose, decided that taking the least-bad option would be better than failing your responsibility to participate as a citizen, and you marked your ballot to elect the lecherous, foul-mouthed phony who at least promised to support some worthwhile policies. You became a Trump Voter.
In 2018, principled Republicans are finding themselves forced to do the unthinkable: endorse voting for a Democrat. The Party of Trump has simply gotten so bad that the only viable moral option is to stop voting Republican this time.