Julia Roberts is urging partners of male Trumpers to vote for Kamala Harris, even if they feel the need to keep it secret from their spouses. In a YouTube video for the progressive evangelical group Vote Common Good, the Pretty Woman star narrates over a scene with two women going into a ballot booth. One of them is clearly shown voting for Kamala Harris for president. “In the one place in America where women still have a right to choose, you can vote any way you want and no one will ever know,” says Roberts. As the women leave after voting, a man appearing to be a husband asks one of them: “Did you make the right choice?” His wife, wearing a stars and stripes cap, answers: “Sure did, honey,” before sharing a knowing smile with her female friend. “Remember,” adds Roberts, “what happens in the booth, stays in the booth.” Vote Common Good says they are working during the election race to help Evangelical voters find an “exit ramp” from voting Republican.

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