As you may have heard our Executive Director Doug Pagitt say today, we’re calling our Faith, Hope, and the Common Good Summit & Presidential Forum the “opening ceremony” of our 50 state national bus tour.
That’s right – we’re just getting started. We will be in every state in 2020 throughout the year, visiting every single state in America before their respective primaries this election season.
In fact, this week alone we will be in Sioux Center, Iowa, Orange City, Iowa, Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake City, Utah and Reno, Nevada!
You may wonder, why are we traveling to every state? What do we think there is to be gained from talking to people about the common good?
Our answer is simple—there is everything to be gained.
To us, Faith, Hope, and Love are so much more than just good ideas, they are necessary actions that will guide our nation back on course. They are the lifeblood of a healthy society. Today, at our summit and Presidential forum, we touched on just how important these ideals are.
In addition to hearing from Presidential Candidates John Delaney, Tom Steyer, and Mark Charles, we spent the day in engaging sessions and breakout discussions, moving ideas into actions for the common good.
These topics included such conversations as “What are candidates looking for in faith voters,” “The death penalty and Presidential politics,” and “Talking about faith in an inviting way.”
Our hope is simply that everyone who experiences a Vote Common Good event, whether this summit, a rally in your home state, or even our online content and live streams, will leave knowing that bringing about the common good is not only possible but probable when we all unite together in action.
Together, we can bring about a change on Election Day. Together, we can flip the White House.
This may be our opening ceremony, but as you can see, we’ve already begun taking action for the main event on November 3rd – are you with us?