Faith & Democracy
Charlotte, NC

The InterFaith Caucus presents “Faith & Democracy: How We Got Here and What’s Next,” an insightful, nonpartisan conversation with guest speakers: Nancy MacLean, the William H. Chafe Professor of History and Public Policy at Duke University; academic and investigative journalist Anne Nelson, winner of the Guggenheim and Bellagio Fellowships, and instructor in the Columbia University School of Journalism; Katherine Stewart, also an acclaimed journalist, whose work on religion and politics regularly appears in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and other publications; and Obery Hendricks, a Distinguished Senior Fellow at The Democracy Collaborative in Washington, DC, and Visiting Scholar in the Department of Religion at Columbia University.

Co-moderated by Interfaith Caucus officers Reverend Dr. Paul A. McAllister and Ms. Aabia Saeed, the discussion will focus on how decades of religious extremism, radio, TV, and digital media propaganda, and dark money in the political operating space put Democracy at risk in North Carolina and the United States, and how faith in Democratic institutions is reliant upon unbiased citizen education and voter engagement. Attendees will be allotted time to address the speakers during a brief Q&A, followed by a book signing session with the speakers. The 90-minute event is open to all registered persons.

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