Vote Common Good’s Doug Pagitt (wearing the blue fedora) this week met with Ohio Democrat Emilia Sykes who’s running for Congress against Madison Gesiotto Gilbert a former Trump staffer.

The national evangelical group Vote Common Good swept through Ohio this week urging fellow Christians to defeat election-denying, insurrection-supporting candidates in November.

Vote Common Good (VCG) has been trying to educate Christians about the dangers of Christian Nationalism since 2018, and while it is a nonprofit, VCG is focused on opposing Trump’s mastery over many Evangelicals.

“We are in a fight to protect our democracy from election-denying, insurrection-supporting, law and order-attacking, democracy-downgrading candidates and movements,” VCG Executive Director Doug Pagitt said. “Voters of faith can and must choose the common good, not political party, when heading to the polls this November.” …

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