“And you, what did you do then?”
Here is what we are doing. Beginning in 2016 Trumpism has tapped deeply into the fears of 70 million conservative Christians. Those voters and potential voters are barely visible to people like me. Who live in and resonate with an America that is not fear-based—and is changing, connected, and caring.
81% of those conservative Christians voted for Trump in 2016 and remain, hands down, his greatest source of political strength and election support.
They are also his greatest weakness. Who he is and what they claim to be could hardly be more different. As these Christians begin to gradually recognize Trump’s true identity and contrast that with their stated principles, that critical base will fracture. This fracturing has already begun.
Progressive, courageous, and organized Christians, supported by allies from all faiths or no faith at all, are highlighting this basic, critical dichotomy between Trump and Jesus. We want to make those people of faith who ARE dedicated to the Common Good visible, heard, and politically impactful. Most of us have crossed this threshold from religion of fear to religion of common good and we know:
This alternative will be a major disruptive force on November 3rd, 2020.
We, Vote Common Good (“VCG”), comprise the grass-roots organization that in 2018 helped flip Congress by barnstorming across the country, organizing 25 rallies in 18 states for 31 Congressional candidates in red districts. And 16 of them turned blue. We did this by inviting Christians in each district to leave behind their reflexive voting for Republicans and follow their conscience and faith by voting instead for the Common Good. For 40 days, we traveled, slept, ate, and worked on a bus!
12,000 miles later, we emerged with robust experience in election politics, a priceless network of local connections in the strategically important districts, and boundless energy to do it again, this time in all 50 states!
You might have seen us covered in the press, recently: The New Yorker, CNN, Advocate.
Would you like to be a part of this mission of love and national transformation? In 2019 and 2020 we are dedicated to not only flipping The White House but also flipping the script as to how we do politics in America. We are inexorably changing the narrative that has undergirded white Evangelical and Catholic support for President Trump and his Republican enablers, protectors, and admirers.
Flipping the script also includes changing the narratives of the two major political parties. The Democrat Party often feels confused about and resistant to connecting with spiritually-minded voters. The Republican Party, on the other hand, is effectively held hostage by religious extremists.
We will help both parties engage Common-Good-oriented voters in ways that will disrupt religious allegiance to Trump and give way to an evolved Christian faith in America that is newly dedicated to the Common Good and rejects any and all Christian privilege in American politics, policy, or practice.
Here is the magic and power of it all: There are hundreds of thousands of newly awakened progressive Christians of all ages and geographic locations that have the spiritual and organizational wherewithal to make this happen!
They simply need to be rallied and coordinated.
What we need is financial support from the rest of America, people of any faith or no faith at all. This is where the election leverage will be in 2020. Vote Common Good is engaging in direct politics, something the people of progressive faith have never done before, directly supporting specific candidates in districts that matter the most. $3 million, the total budget, a relatively small amount of money in American politics, can produce outsized results and represent a unique and efficient alternative to conventional political giving.
If you resonate with us, this is your chance to strengthen many men and women who are local leaders around the country. They are putting their personal lives on hold for a year and making a direct contact with those voters that will make all of the difference.