Our friends at NETWORK are inviting all of us to take the Pope Francis Voter Pledge.
No matter the size of our bank account, zip code, or political party, for most of us, having all we need to take care of ourselves and the people we love is a life well-lived.
But some decision-makers keep us from thriving with poverty wages, voter suppression tactics, and under resourced schools. And they point at others—like our neighbors with lower wages, with Black or Brown skin, or families migrating to the U.S.—as the cause of economic problems in our country, instead of their own harmful policies and practices. For far too long, their shame and blame tactics have kept them powerful and wealthy while the middle-class shrinks and poverty rises.
This election season, justice-seekers are coming together to consider the many freedoms that serve the common good—not just a single issue—so all of us have what we need to thrive. Protecting our freedoms will help us move closer to a multiracial, multi-faith, inclusive democracy. Just as Civil Rights Era-leaders pushed courts, legislatures, and presidents for a more inclusive democracy, we come together to continue their work.
Will you commit this election season, and beyond, to protect our freedoms by supporting the issues that will help all of us thrive—with no exceptions?
When you pledge to be a Pope Francis Voter, you commit to vote for candidates who uphold everyone's freedom to:
Be healthy
Care for ourselves and our families
Live on a healthy planet
Participate in a vibrant democracy
Live free from harm
Live in a welcoming country that values dignity and human rights
Pope Francis Voters are called to be informed, engaged, and committed multi-issue voters in the 2024 election year and beyond, so that we all flourish.
Pledge to be a Pope Francis Voter today!