A graphic featuring the logo for Catholics Vote Common Good with the caption: “Your weekly update”

Dear {{ FirstName | default: 'friends' }},


"The language of Christians who cherish the Holy Spirit, who was given to us as a gift, is special: they don't have to speak in Latin, no. It's another language: it's the language of gentleness and respect."

Pope Francis

Michigan Catholics Vote Common Good Call for More Civility from Bishops

A graphic promoting an open letter addressed to the bishops of the Michigan Catholic Church. The caption reads: “Sign our letter to the bishops: Stop the partisanship, stay neutral in the 2024 election!”

You may have heard the comment in April by the Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan, Rev. Robert Gruss, calling President Biden “stupid” and using his Twitter account to re-post disparaging remarks about the President.  


We do not believe there is any place for such disrespect and division in our church or in our political discourse. We must reject these MAGA from our Catholic leaders.  


Please sign on to our letter today.


We will personally deliver letters by July 1, 2024 to each of the seven Michigan Bishops and need as many Catholics to sign on by June 15. 


Please forward this email to all like-minded Catholic friends and encourage them to sign also.


Click to read the full letter and add your name to tell our bishops to stop the partisanship!

Join Catholics Vote Common Good for a Pre Debate Virtual Gathering and Prayer Session

Please join us on Thursday, June 27 at 7:30 ET as we gather for a Catholics Vote Common update and pray for President Biden.  


Special guest of our event will be Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania who will be providing an update from her key battleground state.

 A graphic promoting an upcoming event with Catholics Vote Common Good, Thursday June 27, at 7:30pm ET. Included is a photo of Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon. The captions read: “Join Catholics Vote Common Good for a Pre-Debate Virtual Gathering and Prayer Session with special guest Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon.”

Connecticut Catholics Vote Common Good Host Successful Fundraiser

A photo taken from the recent cocktail fundraiser held in a supporter’s home for Catholics Vote Common Good.

Catholics from across Connecticut came together last week to raise funds for the work of Catholics Vote Common Good. Their generous contributions will help cover the costs associated with spreading our positive messages aimed toward multi-issue Pope Francis voters who are concerned with lifting up all voices for the common good.


Please consider a contribution to sustain our efforts.


"I pray for Donald Trump everyday."

House Speaker Emeritus and Catholic Nancy Pelosi

A photo of various newspapers showing headlines about Trump’s guilty verdict.

We at Catholics Vote Common Good also pray for Donald Trump everyday. More importantly, we pray our efforts to support decency over disgrace will win the day.  


We ask that you join us to send a strong message that Catholics believe in the Common Good.


Catholics Vote Common is asking for your support to spread our positive message of lifting up all voices with fear or favor.  


Please donate what you can in support of Pope Francis, multi-issue voters and messages.

Thank you and may God bless you and America. 


All our best,

Denise Murphy McGraw 

Patrick Carolan

National Co-Chairs Catholics Vote Common Good


Catholics Vote Common Good’s goal is to activate multi-issue Catholic voters and provide them - as well as candidates who are committed to the common good of lifting up the quality of life of all Americans - with the tools they need to be informed and to engage Catholic voters addressing issues of social justice, immigration, climate change, and the scourge of White Christian Nationalism.


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1177 Rosehill Boulevard

Niskayuna, NY 12309


Vote Common Good inspires people of good conscience to wake up, stand up, and speak up against MAGA politics and Christian Nationalism. We have a proven record of success moving faith voters away from radical candidates and inspiring them to vote their values for the common good. Please consider a contribution today.

You can follow Vote Common Good by clicking on the links below:


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Paid for by Vote Common Good, a 501c4 non-profit organization.

 ©2024 Vote Common Good, all rights reserved


Our mailing address is:

Vote Common Good

6301 Peacedale Ave

Edina, MN 55424

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