A graphic featuring the logo for Catholics Vote Common Good with the caption: “Your weekly update”

Dear {{ FirstName | default: 'friends' }},


Catholics make up more than 20% of the electorate nationally and we will have a say in the outcome of the fall's elections. Please register for our upcoming sessions to learn more about how you can become an engaged and informed Catholic voter. 

Catholics Vote Common Good National Meeting

Join Catholics from throughout the country for our April National Meeting on Sunday, April 28th at 7pm ET.

A graphic promoting the next Catholics Vote Common Good meeting, with a photo from a previous meeting showing on a laptop screen. Clicking the image opens the registration page.

Register for the April 28th meeting here:

Join Catholics from throughout the country for our April National Meeting. We will discuss upcoming activities in key swing states and enjoy a presentation from Catholic University Professor and Co-Chair of 2020's Catholics for Biden John Kenneth White, PhD about his new book, "Grand Old Unraveling."


If you are interested, Professor White's book is available for purchase here and CVCG members can use code 24 Grand for a 30% discount and free shipping:

A graphic featuring an illustration of the cover of the book “Grand Old Unraveling” by John Kenneth White. The caption reads: “It didn’t begin with Donald Trump.” Clicking the image opens the order page with more information.

Pennsylvania Catholics Vote Common Good State Launch

Our Pennsylvania kick-off informational meeting will be Tuesday, April 30, at 7:00 pm ET. Please join Pennsylvania state chair Kevin Hayes as we connect with Catholic voters throughout the state and plan our upcoming activities.

A graphic promoting the Pennsylvania State Launch call, with an outline of the state of Pennsylvania containing the Catholics VCG logo. Clicking the image opens the registration page.

Wisconsin Catholics Vote Common Good State Launch

Our Wisconsin kick-off informational meeting will be Tuesday, April 30, at 7:00 pm ET. Please join Wisconsin state chairman Christopher Cox as we connect with Catholic voters throughout the state and plan our upcoming activities.

A graphic promoting the Wisconsin State Launch call, with an outline of the state of Wisconsin containing the Catholics VCG logo. Clicking the image opens the registration page.

Have a blessed week.  


All our best,


Patrick Carolan & Denise Murphy McGraw

National Co-Chairs


Catholics Vote Common Good’s goal is to activate multi-issue Catholic voters and provide them - as well as candidates who are committed to the common good of lifting up the quality of life of all Americans - with the tools they need to be informed and to engage Catholic voters addressing issues of social justice, immigration, climate change, and the scourge of White Christian Nationalism.


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Catholics VCG mailing address

1177 Rosehill Boulevard

Niskayuna, NY 12309


Vote Common Good inspires people of good conscience to wake up, stand up, and speak up against MAGA politics and Christian Nationalism. We have a proven record of success moving faith voters away from radical candidates and inspiring them to vote their values for the common good. Please consider a contribution today.

You can follow Vote Common Good by clicking on the links below:


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Paid for by Vote Common Good, a 501c4 non-profit organization.

 ©2024 Vote Common Good, all rights reserved


Our mailing address is:

Vote Common Good

6301 Peacedale Ave

Edina, MN 55424

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